
Posts Tagged ‘animal rescue’

People who volunteer are special, right?

March 25, 2021 Leave a comment

In years past, I have always thought that people who volunteer are the most selfless people in the world. I mean, you give up your own limited free time to help an organization do its work, and you do it for free! How amazing is that?

There are so many organizations that need help, so you can literally find one that supports your passion. The possibilities are endless. You could volunteer to the sectors of health and medicine, working with seniors, education and literacy, arts and culture, animals, advocacy and human rights, your local community, veterans and military families, legal and justice issues, and the list goes on and on.

When my husband died, I thought it was time that I volunteer. My reasoning was that I could help ease the load of another organization and put my skills to work. I also thought that it would help me heal from my husband’s death.

I did a lot of research. That could also be taken as procrastinating. It took me nearly three years to decide to that I wanted to volunteer with an animal rescue, more specifically a dog rescue. I took the plunge, and sent off my application to become and official volunteer.

I didn’t know what to expect and after my first couple of interactions with the group, I was not sure it was what I expected. However, I hung in there, and five years later, I realized that this organization is a good fit. I have met some nice people. I have had the opportunity to foster dogs. I have taken on more responsibility and stepped up to do more things.

My participation, I like to believe, has helped the dog rescue. But more so, it has helped me in a variety of ways.

But to every happy story, there is some negativity.

I see the same people volunteering all of the time. Some people do transports. Some do fundraising. Some are behind the scenes doing mailings, working on social media, updating the website, shuffling (important) papers, etc.

Then there are the people who do nothing. No participation. No interaction. Never ever seen or heard from.

Here’s my question: Why are you a volunteer if you have no intention/desire to do anything?