
Archive for August, 2011

Still around… but unmotivated and rather consumed with life!

August 14, 2011 Leave a comment

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, but I guess that happens when life gets busy, ya know?

We’ve been “hanging in”  and trying to stay healthy. It’s been a stressful summer for us. Not sick stressful, but life stressful. We are planning to move in a couple of weeks, and it’s been a job finding a new home, selling the one that we have, and packing to get it all together.

Moving is never fun. When we moved to this home, I did most of the packing. I guess that’s because I am the better packer, and with the kidney disease, Mark doesn’t have the energy to do it.

Mark’s been feeling okay, although the fatigue is a big factor for him. He’s always tired, but I guess that comes with the territory of kidney disease.  Mark’s Davita Report Card has been decent. He struggles with his high phosphorus levels, even though he takes his binders regularly. I think it really has to do with his diet. He doesn’t always follow the guidelines for his phosphorus intake. He loves things that are canned, and that is a no no. He also likes chocolate. Again, a no no. He likes processed meats. Another no no. I can’t constantly nag him, so I have to just suck it up and let him do what he wants.

He also struggles with his fluid intake. He always gains too much weight. And speaking of weight, he “report card” brought that up. He has gained TOO much weight, and if the transplant center finds out, he will be back to “inactive status” (or worse???)

I know it’s hard to lose weight. I know it’s hard not to drink fluids (especially in the summer) but he’s GOT to do it. Or there will be no kidney for him.

He’s been having some blood pressure problems too. His BP is getting way too low after his treatment. He always had HIGH BPs even at the end. No one seems to know what’s going on. Both nephrologists don’t seem all that concerned, but to me, 90/35 is WAY too damn low!!

This journey is a tough one. It’s one of constant worry and fretting. Not fun for me. It’s filled with frustrations (for both of us) and it requires more patience than I often have. I am trying. It’s all I can do.

Categories: kidney disease