
Posts Tagged ‘alcoholism’

We’re all broken…

November 10, 2020 Leave a comment

That’s how the light gets in. (Thanks Ernest Hemingway)

Life is not easy. Sometimes it is not fun. And sometimes it is just fucking painful. But for the most part, life is filled with joy, happiness, good times and people who care about you. I know that pain often shadows over everything. We have all been there. I have been there more times than I care to even mention.

I wish life could be all puppies and rainbows, but it’s not. It never will be. Life is what you make it to be. There is no one in the world that can put you back together again when you break. Only YOU can do that. Yes, it is hard. Yes, it sucks. Yes, giving up seems so easy.

But there are people out there that REALLY do care about you. I REALLY CARE ABOUT YOU! People will help you. I will help, but you have to reach out to me. You have to want my help. I know that it is SO DAMN hard to ask someone for help. It’s hard because the broken often feel like they don’t deserve help.

I am saddened that life is so difficult for you. I won’t pretend to understand what you struggle with every single day of your life. I have not been in your shoes, but I have walked with people who share your path. We all have our crosses to bear. However, no one has to fight a battle alone; unless they choose to do so.

So…. let’s get to the crux of the reason I am writing this. I will never pretend to understand your addiction or what it is like for you. I don’t understand what it is like to be in your shoes. But I have been exposed to addiction in my “circle of family and friends”. I have felt total helplessness as I have watched from the outside. I feel way too much so I understand what you are feeling (except for the physical addiction).

I know you have battled this for SO many years. I know that it is a daily struggle for you. I know you have hit rock bottom – many times. But I also know that you have pulled yourself out of the muck and risen above it all.

I don’t know where you stand now, but I am afraid for you. Why am I afraid? Because I care about you. I care because I am your friend. I only want you to be safe and happy.

I can only help you if you will allow me to do so. I am willing to go the extra mile for you. If you need to go to a meeting but are hesitant to go alone, I will go with you. I will talk with you all night if that will help you. We can just sit in silence. We can go for a drive and just act silly. You can come to my house, and I will feed you a good meal. We can sit on my deck and watch the sunset (or rise if that suits you).

Whatever it is that you need, I will try to give it to you. But I can’t do that if you don’t reach out to me. You know that I “get you”. You just have to contact me, and I will do what I can to get you back on your feet.

Don’t fuck this up by pushing me away. You REALLY do have a lot to live for even if you don’t believe it. Reach out. I will help.